Tuesday 17 July 2018

Boosting Student and Institutional Success with Attendance Tracking

Tracking attendance is an ages-old problem that institutions around the world continue to face. Educators agree that there is a strong and positive correlation between time spent in the classroom and student success. Therefore, it should be no surprise that institutions around the globe must prove “seat time” to demonstrate academic integrity.

The relevance of tracking attendance is also highlighted in many regulations. For example, in the U.S., universities must prove seat time to earn and maintain accreditation, among other requirements, and publically funded institutions must prove seat time to secure federal financial aid. In the U.K., universities face pressure from student loan lenders to monitor attendance and decrease drop-out rates, a key metric in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) introduced by the Government. In Australia, tracking attendance for full-fee paying English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) students is a big issue. Student visas can be cancelled if attendance levels are not maintained at 80% or higher and the student can be deported.

While institutions want to associate attendance data with student performance and retention efforts, today’s attendance-tracking solutions do not scale, are mostly manual and consume valuable instruction time. Moreover, with today’s methods, universities do not have real-time access to attendance data across the campus to inform student progression and retention initiatives.

To help solve these challenges, Blackboard is bringing to market Blackboard Attendance, a scalable and flexible solution for tracking attendance that will free instructors’ time, reduce the administrative burden and make attendance data readily available across the institution. Announced At BbWorld 2018, Blackboard Attendance is planned to work across all instructional modalities (face-to-face, online, and hybrid) and all class sizes, with attendance data readily available to enable student progression and retention initiatives to drive student success.

To learn more about Blackboard’s planned Attendance solution and how it will help address your attendance challenges, watch this conceptual illustration:

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The post Boosting Student and Institutional Success with Attendance Tracking appeared first on Blackboard Blog.

Boosting Student and Institutional Success with Attendance Tracking original post at Blackboard Blog

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